Wednesday, September 08, 2004


I don't know where to take the feelings I have right now, should I claim them as my own, as vile and unloving as they are. Or should I discard those feelings, focus on the here and now and go from there. I am truly confused, I try to be as good a friend as possible, I will listen to your cries and wipe your tears, I will put on the vaseoline and put my hair in a ponytail to whoop the azz of anyone who causes a friend of mine harm.

What do you do when that friendship is no more, and those feelings of whoopin someone azz turn to your friend? How much bullshyt should you take from someone before you finally snap?Screw the fact that you have been friends forever and one day, this person has truly put you in a place you do not desire to be a part of.

No really, answer this for me. If you loved that person as a sister or brother and that feeling is no more, did you ever really love that person in the first place. Yes, you can be angry enough at a blood brother or sister to the point where u don't want to claim them anymore, but you still have love for them. Where did the love go?


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