Tuesday, August 09, 2005

These Are The Fact of Life

Every Monday at 7 pm if I am home chilling I will go to On-Demand (Comcast customers) and watch the Different Strokes and The Facts of Life old reruns, and I thoroughly enjoy them, I mean I don't answer the phone (although I could just rewind), I don't acknowledge people when they come over (they should have called first), so I basically do not like to be disturb during this time.

So as I watch the shows last night, I wondered to myself why do I enjoy them so much? Is it because watching these shows take me back to a wonderful time in my life. My mom and grandma were still here with us, my mom was the best cook this side of the Mississippi and our family in Georgia came for regular visits around this time. Yeah all that really makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside (I have been describing myself this way alot lately - warm and fuzzy, wtf).

Then I realized I watch these shows because........they are fucin funny. Man, I will be in my bedroom cracking the fuc up off of Willis and Arnold. That little mofo was funny as hell back in the day. So the FOL show was when Mrs. Garrett just started working at the Eastland (the all girls school), so Mr. Drummond brought the family to see Mrs. Garret, in walks Drummond, Willis and Kimberly, everyone ask where Arnold was, he had sent them in first to make sure the coast was clear of girls, so he comes in sees the girls, and just when they are about to leave, Blair comes to Arnold and makes kissy noises and faces to him, that mofo looked at her and said.

"Stay right there, I wanna forget you just the way you are." Classic.


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