Thursday, August 26, 2004

Have you ever noticed?

When you show a person your feelings about them, they tend to try to take advantage of the way you feel about them. That is so fuced!

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Claiming My Destiny

"Recognize that you have the courage within you to fulfill the purpose of your birth. Summon forth the power of your inner courage and live the life of your dreams."

Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

Thursday, August 19, 2004


Ladies, holla if ya hear me. PMS is no joke, see all my life I never had a normal cycle, now that I am past 30, I could tell you what day it is by my cycle. But damn who is this bytch on my back, making me cranky, got me about to fight on the subway, and craving the hell out of trail mix.

I mean really bytch leave me alone, stop telling to slap the shyt out of the next person that walks up to my desk and ask me some dumb azz question, stop making me mad at the slightest little annoyance, like a crowded subway train. Any other time I am so cool, so calm, life of the party, but when that PMS bytch get on my back and riding me like Trigger, I seriously need to be left the hell alone.

Dammit don't keep asking me what's wrong, don't you recognize that PMS bytch on my back, hell if you want me to act right, you take her, take her azz out somewhere, she is really getting on my nerves.

Monday, August 16, 2004


My child is not a punk by any means, he is a good natured good hearted child, and I want to keep him that way. Do not let these movies, like Paid In Full and Blue Hill Avenue have you letting your child do whatever the hell they want to do.

I have some next door neighbors, that I swear if I wasn't trying to do right I would put a hit out on their azzes. These kids are outdoors all times of the night, they curse right in front of adults, ministers, cats, dogs you name it, these kids will cuss it out. Their cousin who is there for the summer is 13, and she is 8 months pregnant is the ring leader. I don't know who her mama is, but as soon as I meet her I am gonna commence to kicking her azz. Please believe me!

So, my phone rings the other night its for my son who is 13, he can have calls just not late at night and he can't be all hugged up and phone bonin. So he comes in the room slams the phone down, I ask what's wrong.

"Them gay dudes across the hall keep calling here, I don't even know how they got the number" Oh did I forget to mention, these little kids (2 boys - 1 girl) are the gayest little kids I have ever seen, boys constantly hands on hips and speaking in a feminine tone, the little girl is harder than the boys and it shows. Even the mom knows they are gay, and don't care.

Most times I try to encourage the boy not to fight, and to let a lot of shyt slide, I want him to control situations with words, not might, but if somebody keep fucin with you kick the snot out of them. In the interest of trying to keep the peace where I live, I go to the mom, hey your kids are really bothering him, can you tell them not to call the house anymore, and we leave it at that. No, these kids see him outside, said something to him or about him that made a crowd of people on the steps start laughing. Did my boy do anything, nope, he came in the house and started punching the wall, b/c of the anger.

I took my azz right outside to inform anyone who wanted to listen, all the bullshyt stops today, if he so much as feels his hand itching around one of you bastards he has been told to slap the shyt out you, and when he commences to kickin some azz around here, do not knock on this door.

Like I said most times I encourage him not to fight, last time he did fight he knocked the boy unconscious and broke two bones in his hand. The boy is 13, 6'2" approaching 200, these kids are way smaller than him, and almost look infantile next to him. Beat their azz baby, next time they will think about it before they fuc with a GIANT.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Last Cigarette: Yesterday
Last Alcoholic Drink: 4 Coronas at the skrip club - I'm gonna kidnap me a bytch
Last Car Ride: Yesterday, from the subway station
Last Kiss: Its a secret
Last Good Cry: Not long ago
Last Library Book: N/A
Last book bought: Project Chick and Me and My Boyfriend - Nikki Turner, Triple Crown Prod.
Last [magazine] Read: Ebony with Halle Berry on the cover
Last Movie Seen in Theatres: Spiderman 2
Last Movie Rented: Bringing Down the House
Last Cuss Word Uttered: Dammit I don't remember (wink)
Last Beverage Drank: 7UP
Last Food Consumed: Turkey on Whole Wheat - Subway
Last Crush: New Edition - Johnny Gill
Last Phone Call: Keisha - crazy girl
Last TV Show Watched: Law and Order - SVU
Last Time Showered: Last night
Last Shoes Worn: New Balance
Last CD Played: Avant - Private Room
Last Item Bought: Candles from Pier One
Last Download: "None - RIAA ain't gonna get me
Last Annoyance: Dumb Bytches, Silly Bytches, Hater Bytches, Bytches period
Last Disappointment: Someone close told a lie to me, its cool though!
Last Soda Drank: 7UP
Last Thing Written: Blog update
Last Key Used: [enter/return] just now
Last Words Spoken: "Really?"
Last Sleep: 5:30 am this morning
Last Ice Cream Eaten: Ice Cream Sundae - Bananas, Chocolate, Strawberries, Cookies and Cream Ice Cream and Banana Fudge Chocolate Chunk
Last Chair Sat In: This orange chair, my butt currently resides in

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Open Letter

Hey Mr. I Don't Do One-Night Stands:

When you and I were on the phone today, I realized two things. One I hate you, and two I hate you more than before. Do you want to know why I hate you, b/c you are a liar. See I guess you didn't realize that the fastest way into some good panties, is to tell the truth. Not the bullshyt you thought of in your head to tell women, to make it sound like the truth, naw nicca the actual truth.

Really, I tell you straight up that I don't do everybody I meet, most times we can kick it, get faded, not x-rated. What your dumb azz say "Yeah, I'm looking for someone to kick it with too", ok where you wanna go, club, bar, maybe the strip club, I'm down.

"Well let's go to my place and kick it, we can watch movies". Mofo are you fucin Miramax, why the fuc are you showcasing movies, I said I wanted to kick it, not sit on your twin size bed, with the grey azz sheets in your momma basement.

This ain't kickin it, this is sitting in millions of booty germs from your previous not-so-smart-as-my-azz victims, that your triflin azz did not have the decency to wash the sheets, fuc burn them mofos, its enough baby juice and coochie crud to have your own lab down here.

Dawg, honesty is not the best policy, its the only damn policy. If you want a friend that you can hang out with, kick it, have drinks and get faded, then I am your girl. But if your azz is trying to get some undeserved pucee, you need to keep the hell on stepping.

Can you please tell me

Why is it that people only speak to you when they need something from you in a office environment. Is it that I am not worthy of your greetings first thing in the morning. Is it that you are so totally consumed in your task at hand to acknowledge your fellow co-workers.

Or is that you are just a nasty, inconsiderate mofo, who is only interested in a person if you can use them for your task at hand. Just asking

Tuesday, August 03, 2004


Why is it when you meet someone, and they totally blow your mind with their wittiness and passion, you fuc them and then they begin to reveal their real personalities?

Why is it that most men when they meet a woman, they tell this story about how their wife or girlfriend, is not taking care of their needs and they don't want to be there, but they stay for the kids and just want to have sex with someone who wants to, but in reality their girlfriend or wife is at home doing everything to make him happy, including fucin and suckin?

Why do women, continue to take the bs from the men in their life, because he pays the bills or fucs good or buy her shyt all the time?

Why is it when women decide to cross over and date other women, they find that after the amazing sex is over, that women are just as bad as men in relationships?

Why is it when a woman gets a new man in her house, she forgets that she has kids, and then wonders aloud on Channel 4 news, that she can't believe her baby would kill someone or carjack a pregnant woman?

Why can't people be honest with their feelings, whether you truly care about someone and you are afraid to tell them, or you are not in love with a person anymore and don't want to hurt any feelings.

Just thought I would ask......

Thanks Jadakiss